Certified Divers


Look no further Maui and Lanai have some of the best diving you can experience. Both shore and boat dives are A+, unlike some other destinations you might visit. Whether you are a certified diver or not here you have a variety of options, we can also customize dive tours to fit your needs.
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Boat Diving

From Cathedral dives to swim-throughs and archways, Lanai coastline is also famous for lava structures.

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West part of Maui shore offers dives that can get anyone excited. Want to see turtles, sharks and rays, no problem, but if you also like nudibranchs or even frogfish, this is the place.

Lahaina hawaii for certified divers night diving


Night is never the same as a day, that stands for sea life also. During the night octopus and squids come out to play on our Maui night scuba dives.

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Want to become certified Conservation Specialities and add that to you certifications book or just want to have some fun while scuba diving, no problem, we have it all covered - join our EcoDiving trip!


Advanced scuba certifications are available from our highly skilled PADI Instructors. We offer small Maui scuba groups personalized attention and fun. Certified divers can still further their dive skills.


Has it Been a While?

Even though your PADI scuba certification does not expire, if youʻre feeling a bit rusty, we have Maui scuba options to get you back in the water!

help extended horizons

Our lives and livelihoods forever changed this week when wildfires destroyed our town, our business, our crew’s livelihoods, and our retirement plans.

We are so thankful the entire team is safe, but we are devastated and unsure what the future holds for our staff and ourselves. Insurance won’t begin to cover what was lost and will take weeks if not months to process.

Based on some rumors we heard in the community on Wednesday we had hopes that perhaps our shop had been spared. We walked into town on Thursday, however, and were emotionally destroyed when we found our building gutted and the Extended Horizons II engine blocks sitting on the floor amidst the ashes. Find out more on what happened and how you can help us.