Certified Diver Night Dives


Take a crack at night dives. You can’t imagine how it feels until you do it and see it. There is no previous experience needed. The only thing you need for our this type of dive is your Open Water Certification and you’re ready to dive. We will go over the diving site and will have a short mini class of Maui night scuba diving before each dive. Night dives are amazing and our guides love it, they will share the wonders of this type of dive with you.


You might be familiar with how the things under water work. While fish are asleep and hidden from the predators, invertebrates come out to hunt. You will have a chance to see crabs, octopus, eels, lobsters, and shells hunting on night Maui dive tours. The only thing you need for our dives at night is your Open Water Certification and you’re ready to dive. We will provide all the equipment needed for the dive. Our guides are more than happy to share everything they know under the starry sky.


This option is favourite among scuba divers from Maui.Usually we dive the same location twice, once at twilight and once the sun goes down. You will see the reef morph from a feeding frenzy to hunting grounds. This type of dives gives you a chance to see a large variety of fish and invertebrates that Maui can offer.

Has it Been a While?

Even though your PADI scuba certification does not expire, if youʻre feeling a bit rusty, we have Maui scuba options to get you back in the water!

help extended horizons

Our lives and livelihoods forever changed this week when wildfires destroyed our town, our business, our crew’s livelihoods, and our retirement plans.

We are so thankful the entire team is safe, but we are devastated and unsure what the future holds for our staff and ourselves. Insurance won’t begin to cover what was lost and will take weeks if not months to process.

Based on some rumors we heard in the community on Wednesday we had hopes that perhaps our shop had been spared. We walked into town on Thursday, however, and were emotionally destroyed when we found our building gutted and the Extended Horizons II engine blocks sitting on the floor amidst the ashes. Find out more on what happened and how you can help us.