Certified Diver Shore Dives


Slow and easy pace is your thing and you like to do activities in small groups, then Maui shore diving is your thing. This trip lasts up to an hour where you dive Maui at depths no more than 30’ to 40’. Maui dives like these give you an opportunity to explore and experience warm tropical waters and beautiful marine life that can be found less than 20 yard from the shore. Surrounded by a healthy coral reef that is home to a variety of different tropical fish west Maui has species that can only be found at this spot. Often you can see octopus, shirp, eels, turtles, sharks, rays and much much more that Maui has to offer.


Want to see turtles, sharks and rays, no problem, but if you also like nudibranchs or even frogfish, this is the place.


If you are traveling with a group that is mixed in skill levels, that is NO PROBLEM! These trips are relaxed and slow paced and are a great way for your certified and non-certified divers to experience Maui.


Small groups pay off since you can pick your dive site, you can dive at your own pace and skill level and it is customized by your interests. If you are looking for a quality time that includes watching turtles or getting some face time with whitetip reef sharks then these tours are perfect for you.

If you are looking for a bit more adventure, we got it covered! Our night shore dives are definitely something that should not be missed out. Eels hunting and catching dinner, a variety of crabs, lobsters or even octopus are something you can grab.

Has it Been a While?

Even though your PADI scuba certification does not expire, if youʻre feeling a bit rusty, we have Maui scuba options to get you back in the water!

help extended horizons

Our lives and livelihoods forever changed this week when wildfires destroyed our town, our business, our crew’s livelihoods, and our retirement plans.

We are so thankful the entire team is safe, but we are devastated and unsure what the future holds for our staff and ourselves. Insurance won’t begin to cover what was lost and will take weeks if not months to process.

Based on some rumors we heard in the community on Wednesday we had hopes that perhaps our shop had been spared. We walked into town on Thursday, however, and were emotionally destroyed when we found our building gutted and the Extended Horizons II engine blocks sitting on the floor amidst the ashes. Find out more on what happened and how you can help us.